Cleansing oil
The revolution of gentle washing.
Olioderbe is the first, the real and original oil that washes the hair. Derbe hair cleansing oils, products with natural ingredients, represent an absolute and original innovation created in our laboratories. They have eudermic and trichoaffine properties, i.e. extremely compatible with skin and hair. They combine with sebum and dirt particles, without penetrating the skin and keratin structures. In this way they restore the lipid film of the scalp, without weakening the hair or attacking the skin and the cationic surfactants act on damaged and delicate hair.
Products for
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Cura dei capelli (71)
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Purificanti (6)
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Bu Bu Baby (5)
Derbe Sport (4)
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Essenziale (3)
Pid (3)
Derbe Sole (1)
Evo Derbe Bio (1)

Products for
Cura del corpo (85)
Cura dei capelli (71)
Ambienti (4)
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Creme corpo (26)
Balsami (18)
Profumi (16)
Bagnoschiuma (16)
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Purificanti (6)
Acqua corpo (6)
Creme viso (4)
Gel (5)
Spray capelli (5)
Hair Mist (4)
Purificante per ambienti (3)
Dopobarba (3)
Docciasciampo (4)
Lozioni (4)
Saponette (2)
Maschere (2)
Mousse (1)
Fiale (1)

Browse through the collections
Botanitech (12)
Baby & Young (7)
Carezza Finale (6)
Anti-age (6)
Terre di Amerigo (5)
Aroma Derbe (5)
Humus Vitalis (5)
Bu Bu Baby (5)
Derbe Sport (4)
Delicatissimo (4)
Essenziale (3)
Pid (3)
Derbe Sole (1)
Evo Derbe Bio (1)

Showing all 10 results

Hair Loss Cleansing Oil
To calm and re-educate the sebaceous glands
Olio detergente // Anti caduta // Humus Vitalis //

Olio di Mandorle Bu Bu Baby
Olio di mandorle dolci nutre e idrata la pelle
Olio detergente // Idratante, Protettivo // Baby & Young, Bu Bu Baby //

PID oil
PID shock action
Olio detergente // Pediculosi // Pid //

OlioDerbe Aloe – capelli danneggiati
for attacked scalp and treated hair
Olio detergente // Anti forfora, Capelli colorati, Capelli decolorati, Cute irritata, Purificante, Rilassante //

OlioDerbe capelli normali
for normal scalp and hair
Olio detergente // Anti forfora, Capelli grassi, Capelli secchi //

OlioDerbe Centella capelli sfibrati
For dull and dry hair
Olio detergente // Capelli secchi, Capelli sfibrati //

OlioDerbe Freetime
Ideal for sports and holidays
Olio detergente // Purificante // Derbe Sport //

OlioDerbe Ortica capelli grassi
for oily hair
Olio detergente // Capelli grassi //

OlioDerbe Propoli forfora secca
for hair with dry dandruff
Olio detergente // Anti caduta, Anti forfora //

OlioDerbe Timo forfora grassa
for oily dandruff hair
Olio detergente // Anti forfora, Capelli grassi, Capelli secchi //