Anti fall
Nature and science allies of capillary renewal.
The Derbe anti-hair loss line, made up of shampoos, lotions, vials, cleansing oils and sprays, enriched with natural essences, protects and stimulates the scalp, facilitates capillary renewal, counteracts the stiffening of the perifollicular collagen and contributes in a positive way to maintaining the hair life cycle. This is thanks to plant bioflavonoids with an anti-radical and anti-glycation action, vitamin complexes, proteins and natural phytocomplexes, which synergistically, thanks to a cleansing and stimulating action, help protect the most fragile hair and strengthen the hair bulb.
Products for
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Cura dei capelli (71)
Ambienti (4)
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Balsami (18)
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Purificanti (6)
Acqua corpo (6)
Creme viso (4)
Gel (5)
Spray capelli (5)
Hair Mist (4)
Purificante per ambienti (3)
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Docciasciampo (4)
Lozioni (4)
Saponette (2)
Maschere (2)
Mousse (1)
Fiale (1)

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Botanitech (12)
Baby & Young (7)
Carezza Finale (6)
Anti-age (6)
Terre di Amerigo (5)
Aroma Derbe (5)
Humus Vitalis (5)
Bu Bu Baby (5)
Derbe Sport (4)
Delicatissimo (4)
Essenziale (3)
Pid (3)
Derbe Sole (1)
Evo Derbe Bio (1)

Products for
Cura del corpo (85)
Cura dei capelli (71)
Ambienti (4)
Browse the products
Creme corpo (26)
Balsami (18)
Profumi (16)
Bagnoschiuma (16)
Olio detergente (10)
Messa in piega (8)
Deodorante (5)
Purificanti (6)
Acqua corpo (6)
Creme viso (4)
Gel (5)
Spray capelli (5)
Hair Mist (4)
Purificante per ambienti (3)
Dopobarba (3)
Docciasciampo (4)
Lozioni (4)
Saponette (2)
Maschere (2)
Mousse (1)
Fiale (1)

Browse through the collections
Botanitech (12)
Baby & Young (7)
Carezza Finale (6)
Anti-age (6)
Terre di Amerigo (5)
Aroma Derbe (5)
Humus Vitalis (5)
Bu Bu Baby (5)
Derbe Sport (4)
Delicatissimo (4)
Essenziale (3)
Pid (3)
Derbe Sole (1)
Evo Derbe Bio (1)

Showing all 8 results

Energizing and Strengthening Balm
With Goji berries
Balsami // Anti caduta, Capelli fini, Rinforzante //

Anti-fall vials
Multi function
Fiale, Lozioni // Anti caduta, Capelli colorati, Capelli decolorati, Idratante, Purificante // Humus Vitalis //

Anti-Hair Loss Gel Lotion
Stimulates skin blood circulation
Lozioni // Anti caduta // Humus Vitalis //

Hair Loss Cleansing Oil
To calm and re-educate the sebaceous glands
Olio detergente // Anti caduta // Humus Vitalis //

OlioDerbe Propoli forfora secca
for hair with dry dandruff
Olio detergente // Anti caduta, Anti forfora //

Anti-hair loss shampoo
Vitamin complex and plant extracts
Sciampo // Anti caduta // Humus Vitalis //

Strengthening Goji Shampoo
With Goji berry extract
Sciampo // Anti caduta, Rinforzante //

Intensive Anti-Hair Loss Spray
Anti free radicals, anti-glycation
Spray capelli // Anti caduta // Humus Vitalis //